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How to get better in Stumble Guys (Tips and Tricks)

Tips to be stronger

Master the Basics:

Start by familiarizing yourself with the basic controls, such as running, jumping, diving, and grabbing. Understanding these fundamental movements is crucial for success.

Observe and Adapt:

Pay attention to the obstacles and patterns in each level. Observe how others navigate through challenges and adapt your strategy accordingly. Learning from others can be a valuable source of knowledge.


Choose Your Path Wisely:

When faced with multiple paths or obstacles, analyze the situation quickly and choose the path that seems the least crowded or has fewer obstacles. This can give you a competitive edge in crowded areas.

Timing is Key:

Perfect your timing for jumps and dives. Many challenges require precise timing, so practice these movements to avoid falling or getting knocked out.

Stay Balanced:

Maintain balance while running on unstable platforms. Sudden movements can lead to stumbling, so try to keep a steady pace and adjust your trajectory smoothly.

Use Grab Strategically:

Grabbing can be both offensive and defensive. Use it strategically to hinder opponents in team games or to save yourself from falling. However, be cautious not to grab too often, as it can make you vulnerable.

Teamwork in Team Games:

In team-based challenges, cooperate with your teammates. Work together to achieve common goals, whether it's pushing a giant ball or passing objects between players.

Learn from Mistakes:

Don’t be discouraged by failures. Instead, learn from your mistakes. Analyze what went wrong in each round and adjust your approach in subsequent games.

Stay Calm Under Pressure:

As the competition intensifies, it's essential to stay calm and focused. Panic can lead to poor decision-making and increased chances of stumbling. Take a deep breath and concentrate on the task at hand.

Customize Your Character:

While it may seem cosmetic, customizing your character can have psychological benefits. A distinct appearance can help you stay focused and boost your confidence.

Practice Regularly:

Like any game, practice is key to improvement. Spend time playing regularly to refine your skills and understand the nuances of different levels.

Watch Tutorials and Streams:

Watch tutorials or live streams of experienced players. You can pick up valuable tips, tricks, and strategies by observing how skilled players navigate through challenges.


